
Less Commonly Known Aspects of Concussion

It's a traumatic brain injury. Think of the human brain as an egg yolk and your skull as an eggshell and you shake it off! And the different functions of the brain can be affected and the symptoms can also be delayed!

An MRI can diagnose the difference between concussion and more severe brain injuries.

Research and outstanding results show that tailoring active therapy to each patient and their type of concussion helps them fully recover. And the faster they get proper care, the quicker they see results and the more effective the treatments are.

They are 6 different kind of concussion:

1-Cognitive/ fatigue: can cause symptoms about complex taking, multi-tasking, long days, increased fatigue along the day, decreased concentration, increased distractibility, trouble learning/retaining new information, decreased multitasking skills.

2-Vestibular: can affect motion and its interpretation, coordination head and eye movement, balance, steady or balance vision upon head movement.

3- Occular: trouble with visual tasks looking at screens, reading long time and can affect the tandem eye movements.

4- Post traumatic migraine: can change your daily routine in sleeping, hobbies while avoiding loud events or with light.

5- Cervical: you might have a pressure or stress on your neck, spine and spinal cord. Can be aggravated by slouching posture and carrying heavy stuff.

6- Anxiety/ mood: you can not control your emotions like before and are avoiding social events.

From BC Injury research and prevention unit an estimated 1 in 165 Canadian suffer a concussion each year.

A brain which has been injured a first time is at risk to be injured other times.


Let's get assessed! Your Manual Practitioner in Osteopathy can assess your functions providing active exercice while also doing gentle and passive gentle treatment on your neck and spine in order to release your muscles and nervous system.


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Understanding is the first step towards recovery

Whiplash injury occurs when a sudden accelerating-decelerating movement is transmitted to the neck, mostly in the forward/backward axis, such as in a car accident when hit from behind, or from a fall or sports injury. It can also happen with the rotation of the neck, by overstretching or straining the muscles or ligaments of the neck.

You can experience pain getting worse with movement, stiffness and loss of range of motion in the neck, nausea, dizziness, headaches, . It can be associated with numbness and weakness in the arms.

It can occur right away and calm down and return few days later.


Generally, people feel better after few weeks.

Osteopathy can help to recover faster or decreasing the pain by giving active exercise and passive treatment.

Let's get the second step... Book in with us.

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