
Supporting Every Step: From Bump to Baby and Beyond

Why consult an osteopathic practitioner during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a tumultuous period in a woman's life; her body will have to adapt extraordinarily to the expanding volume of the uterus throughout the fetus's development.

As such, several symptoms may arise, where osteopathy can have a beneficial effect (non-exhaustive list):

Nausea, heartburn, stomach pain, reflux (GERD = gastroesophageal reflux), constipation, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, heavy legs, cramps, fatigue, irritability, lower back pain (lumbago), sciatica, lower abdominal pain, pelvic pain, Lacomme syndrome (ligament pain in the pelvis), carpal tunnel syndrome, shortness of breath, "migraines" or headaches...

Osteopathy allows accompanying the expectant mother during this sometimes delicate period to relieve and minimize these discomforts when then can not take that many medication.

Indeed, during pregnancy, many biomechanical and physiological changes occur (see images below), and many symptoms are directly related to these changes.

Let's take the example of shortness of breath and acid reflux: as the uterus and the baby grow, the organs are pushed upward under the diaphragm (the respiratory muscle under the ribs), creating difficulties in breathing due to lack of space, and acid reflux due to compression of the stomach under the ribs (associated with other physiological phenomena as well). Medications are not always effective against such symptoms, and osteopathy can thus help the expectant mother better experience her pregnancy. Thus, the more space and ease the mother has to breathe, to digest, to move, the better it will be for her and her baby. This can also have a beneficial effect on the baby.

When to consult and how many sessions are necessary?

There are no fixed rules according to us; it is the woman who decides when she wants to or when she feels the need to consult. Some patients consult regularly several times during pregnancy, without necessarily having any particular pain, but simply to relax and unwind during this period when they are often (too) active. It is also possible to consult a few days or weeks before delivery (ideally at the beginning of the 9th month), to give good mobility to the pelvis and thus hope for an easier delivery.

How do consultations proceed? What is the type of treatment?

The management will be different depending on the stage of pregnancy, the symptoms, and the osteopathic practitioners. For our part, consultations during pregnancy are always "gentle", without manipulation or cracking, and constantly listening to the feelings and needs of the expectant mother and her baby. The goal is always to release tension and restore physiological mobility, especially in the pelvis, lower back, and diaphragm, for example.

How long does the consultation last?

Again, it depends on the practitioners. For our part, the consultation lasts 45 minutes.

Is it risky for the baby? Can there be benefits?

If the osteopathic practitioner is sufficiently well-trained and ensures that there are no contraindications to the treatment (medical conditions such as hypertension or others), then there is no risk for the baby. There have also never been any accidents or miscarriages reported following osteopathic consultations at least in France to our knowledge.

On the contrary, releasing tension in general will allow the expectant mother to be more comfortable, more relaxed, and it is known that this will be beneficial for the baby and delivery prep.

As far as we are concerned, we have undergone several training courses on the specific management of pregnant women (as well as infants and children), which makes our practice safe on the one hand and effective on the other hand (as much as possible), while having a deep respect for the developing fetus in its mother's womb.


Take care of yourself now


Post Partum or 4th Trimester

Unfortunately, women often tend to forget themselves after childbirth, whereas in some cultures, it is precisely a time when they rest and do nothing, in order to recover, quite simply.

Thus, we very often advise mothers (and sometimes fathers too!) to consult after childbirth, during the days or weeks following. This allows the mother to relax and release the tensions accumulated during pregnancy and childbirth, and also to rebalance the pelvis (among other things), which is wise before or during perineal rehabilitation with a pelvic floor physiotherapist, rehabilitation which will thus undoubtedly be all the more effective and lasting.

Additionally, osteopathy can provide support in releasing tension in the shoulders and improving posture, which can be particularly beneficial for breastfeeding mothers, aiding in their comfort and facilitating proper latch and positioning for nursing.

Moreover, the tensions felt by the mother or the father will also be felt by the baby, due to the bond that unites the family during this period. Sometimes, and this is only our experience and feeling, simply relaxing the mother from her tensions also relaxes the baby!

Take good care of yourself to better care for your family



Baby is here! It's a new world....

Why consult an osteopathic practitioner for your baby or child?

Here are various functional disorders that the osteopathic practitioner can address: ·       

Digestive disorders: digestive discomfort such as gas, bloating, "infant colic", constipation, functional gastroesophageal reflux (if pathological, always after medical advice, or we will refer you to a doctor/pediatrician if necessary)... ·       

Orthopedic disorders: congenital muscular torticollis, or postural torticollis (postural asymmetry) which is a preference for head rotation to one side, if the baby has difficulty turning the head on both sides (especially if he/she often sleeps with the head on the same side)... ·       

Flat head: plagiocephaly or brachycephaly... ·       

Sucking disorders: feeding (or bottle) difficulties, nipple pain for the mother, baby has difficulty swallowing, gets frustrated at the breast or bottle...        

Sleep disorders: disturbed sleep, difficulty falling asleep, waking up frequently, lack of sleep... ·       

Irritability: frequent crying, difficult to soothe... ·       

Tears do not flow properly... ·       

The nose or ENT area is congested... ·       

Baby arches their back, throws their head backward... ·       

Baby often hiccups... ·       

Asymmetry in the feet (such as varus or valgus feet)...

Or simply if you perceive any discomfort in your baby, any asymmetry, if something worries you or raises questions...

Feel free to contact us and ask questions by email (see "Contacts" tab), we will be available to guide you as best as possible.

This list is not exhaustive but provides clues about potential mobility problems your baby may have.

These mobility problems are often the result of intrauterine life (if the baby assumes a wrong position, for example), or childbirth, as shown by a number of scientific studies.

Other factors may also lead to consultation: if labor was long, if delivery was difficult, if the cord was wrapped around the neck, if forceps or vacuum extraction were used, if there was fetal distress, in the case of a twin pregnancy, breech presentation, or transverse presentation, if there was an emergency cesarean section...

Furthermore, a preventive assessment or "check-up", without any particular symptoms, is also possible if the parents wish.

This can help prevent the onset of potential disorders, such as flat head syndrome, which is often detected late, whereas the first signs are visible very early, provided they are properly searched for.

Osteopathic management is sometimes complementary to medical treatment, physiotherapy, or orthopedic treatment (congenital muscular torticollis, foot malposition, certain plagiocephalies, GERD...).

In any case, osteopathic management does not replace medical/pediatric follow-up or physiotherapy. We are not doctors, we are not authorized to prescribe anything or establish a medical diagnosis, but we are authorized to establish a functional diagnosis (i.e., identify the baby's mobility disorders) and an opportunistic diagnosis (i.e., identify clinical signs that should lead us to refer the child to a medical consultation).


Ensuring Your Baby's Wellness


Practical Aspects

Is it mandatory to consult an osteopathic practitioner?

No, obviously, it is not mandatory. There are babies who are very well and thrive without consulting an osteopath. But in some indications and the cases mentioned above, osteopathic consultation can be beneficial for your child.

Moreover, more and more parents consult systematically after childbirth, even if everything is fine, because they have been advised to do so or because they consult for themselves.

When to consult?

The osteopathic practitioner can be consulted anytime after birth (sometimes directly at the maternity ward if the osteopath is available on-site), or after leaving the maternity ward, and this without a prescription. If there is no "emergency" and if the baby seems fine, we recommend consulting around 3-4 weeks of age. However, if you notice any of these problems, then it may be good to consult as soon as possible: ·       

if the baby cries a lot... ·       

if they have difficulty breastfeeding,

if the nipples are painful,

if they get frustrated at the breast... ·       

if they turn the head more often to one side than the other... ·       

if a professional advises you to consult.

Then, as the baby grows, we suggest parents to consult, if they wish (because again, nothing is mandatory as we recall), between 5 and 6 months (in relation to psychomotor development in particular), then when the baby starts walking (about 2 months after walking), and then once a year or every 2 years, in addition to medical follow-up.

How many sessions are carried out?

It is impossible to generalize because it will depend on each baby. For some, few sessions will be enough, while others may need more. In any case, the osteopathic practitioner well trained in pediatrics will be able to advise you best and refer you to other professionals if necessary (especially to the doctor, who may in some cases refer you to a physiotherapist, a psychomotor therapist...).

What method is used for babies?

For our part, consultations are always gentle and very respectful, without forced maneuvers for babies or children, who are mostly very calm during the sessions, sometimes the baby sleeps throughout the session, or can cry to release their stress, often to the surprise of their parents. We take the time during the treatment to explain to parents what we are doing and why. Then at the end of the session, we give specific and adapted advice to your child, which will be useful to you when you return home.

If you have any doubts about your child's health, the osteopathic practitioner well trained in pediatric practice will know how to refer you to the referring doctor or pediatrician. As for us, we have undergone specific training in the particular management of infants and children (as well as pregnant women), which makes our practice safe on the one hand and effective as much as we can.

How long does the consultation last?

The initial is always 45 minutes. For the subsequents, it depends on the babies. Some are totally fine for 45 min, others start to get tired after 30 minutes.

And the mother? And the father?

We often advise mothers (and sometimes fathers too if they feel the need) to consult during this neonatal period because the tensions felt by the mother or the father can also be felt by the baby (notion of tonico-postural adjustment), due to the bond that unites the family during this period. This also allows parents to take a break and take an hour for themselves to relax...

Note: remember to bring your child's health record to each consultation. I can treat the baby while breastfeeding or bottle feeding. It's even better, so that they are not hungry during the consultation and they will be relaxed by the oxytocin and serotonin. Otherwise, we will play to distract them.

Intrigued? Experience the Benefits of Osteopathy for Your Baby